Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Balance of man, God, and nature, a.k.a Tri Hita Karana

If we want to talk about Tri Hita Karana or the balance between man, God, and nature, we must see that today Bali is well un-balanced. The development has been way faster than anytime in the history. It has created a gap between energy demand and supply which gets bigger each day. Development is good for the economy, but it's a risk for the environment. 

Energy crisis in Bali is not a myth. If Bali wants to be energy-independent, than there should be a power plant built in Bali. The latest options are either the geothermal plant or a coal plant. To get a balance between what we need and what nature has to offer, we need to choose with care and wisely.

To choose between the two is not a hard job, geothermal is by far less expensive in term of "environmental cost". All that it needs is opening some forest once (which can be replanted) then it harvest the "free" and sustainable energy in a very clean way. Compared to the coal plant that don't need to open up any forest, but will produce tons of ash, scum and CO2 all year long during it's life-time. And the effected is not only it's surrounding area, the whole Bali will have a degraded air quality, as well as globally with all the CO2 that's dumped in to the atmosphere.
Coal plant is not only a bad match for Bali's culture, but also against the UN agreement, and Bali's plan to be the first green province in Indonesia.

If i have a voice in it, as an independent person, i would for sure go for geothermal.

This article has been slightly modified from a comment that i just posted on a news post that is rather old in:

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